Friday, May 8, 2009

It's just chicken!

More on the KFC coupon, courtesy of

And now this harrowing report from the scene of a KFC on 42nd Street between Madison and Park has landed in our inbox:

I went over to our nearest KFC a few minutes ago...and chaos ensued. Despite the very visible grilled chicken behind the register, the manager told everyone with coupons to leave and that the promotion was over for the day. The people there are currently holding a sit-in and refusing to leave until they get their free chicken...or the cops are called. Racial epithets were being spewed, people who actually wanted to pay for chicken were facing a potential beatdown, and the manager ran from the screaming horde. Oprah, what have ye wrought?
More than a dozen calls placed to the KFC in question have been met with an ominous busy signal. We can only assume a riot squad is currently cracking skulls to save that last defenseless grilled chicken from the freeloading mob. Developing...


Your Best Friend said...

Oh my goodness! I went before 5:00 yesterday, had my free meal and I'm glad it's done. I can't imagine people getting so upset over chicken. It was nice to get a free meal, but not worth all of that!

Frugal Jen said...

Oh my! Really it is only worth $3.99. Honestly I don't like the chicken that much! I am a chicken breast girl, ok that sounds funny.

American Dreamer said...

This is just crazy!