Thursday, October 28, 2010

Where to get coupons?

I am a coupon freak. I thought today I would share a few coupon helpful hints. You can get them in the newspaper on Sundays. There are more coupons the earlier in the month. Usually, there are no coupons on a holiday. I do not know why. You can also print them from , , or .
Sometimes a manufacturer will have a coupon on their website. You just have to search the websites to find out. The is a magazine available at Wal-Mart called ALL YOU. It has tons of great coupons. I clip ALL coupons, whether I need them or not, then I trade them with friends. We have a "coupon circle." I take the coupons I do not want, give them to one friend, she takes the ones she wants, adds the ones she has, then passes to the next one.
Now, what to do with all those coupons. Kroger will double coupons up to $.50. Kroger will not take an internet coupon that is over $1. Right now, Wal-mart will. I find that store policies change almost daily. Many stores have their coupon policy on their website. If in doubt ask the manager.

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