Thursday, June 7, 2012

You've Got Talent!!!

Make money using the talents you have.  Here is a list of a few talents you can charge for:
1. Babysitting, housesitting, pet get the idea!
2. Tutoring.  Sometimes it more like homework help.
3. Mowing grass or other yard work.
4. Lessons:  piano or other instrument, dance, soccer or other sport.
5. This one seems a little out there, but if it works try it.  I have a friend who was paid to shop on Black Friday.  He made all the early morning sales.  He charged 10% of what the sale savings was.
6. Sewing:  this can be anything from making clothes, curtains, pillows, etc or altering clothes.

Be creative!  Please share in the comments any services or talents you charge for.
PS  Sometimes it is also worth the money to swap services with friends or neighbors.

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